Based on TRUST OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (TOAP) Consolidated weekly UITF report as of May 22, 2008 Export and Industry Bank's Unit Investment Trust Fund has been number ONE for 20 consecutive weeks!
Year on Year (YOY) ROI = NAVPU (current) - NAVPU (same date of previous year) * 100 NAVPU (same date of previous year)
* The YOY ROI compares the NAVPU as of current date against the NAVPU as of the same date in the previous year. This may be considered an annualized return as the period covered is always one full year.
Important Reminder!
All EIB UITFs are subject to daily marking to market for valuation purposes. The NAVPU of the funds may fluctuate depending on the volatility of the prices of the various instruments in the fund. UITF are trust products and NOT deposit accounts, hence NOT covered by PDIC. The hyield, return or income of these products is NOT guaranteed. Any income of loss shall be for the accunt and risk of investors. Historical performace is NOT a guarantee of any future performance.
Should you have any queries you may call Carlos Leytte & Jess Bandol