Foreign Exchange Services FXTN, T-Bills and Bonds Dealership Small Denominated T-Bonds Distribution Prime Short Term/Long Term CPs
Foreign Exchange Services
Spot, Forward, and Swap
Offshore Remittances
As a bank focusing on the trade finance, a major business thrust of Export Bank is servicing the foreign exchange requirements of its corporate and individual customers. These includes the Treasury dealership of foreign exchange in the commercial spot and forward markets to fulfill the hedging, liquidity and trading requirements of the bank's customers. Consistent with the bank's marketing efforts, the clients are serviced competitively through the Trade Finance Banking Group or any of the bank's branches for international banking requirements including but not limited to the opening of LCs, import and export collections, drafts and inward/outward remittances.
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FXTN, T-Bills and Bonds Dealership
Fixed Rate Treasury Notes / T-Bonds
These are actually certificates issued by the Philippine government with maturities between 2 to 10 years for FXTNs and 20 to 25 years for T-bonds. These certificates are sold at their face value, which means certificates are not sold at a discount or at a premium but for whatever the original amount as indicated in the certificates.
Investment Advantage
You are assured of a semi-annual coupon payment and of a fixed income at the end of the term of the investment.
It is a risk free investment option, since these notes have its recourse to the national government, which means that you can redeem the notes directly from the Bureau of Treasury (BoT).
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Small Denominated T-Bonds Distribution
This is a treasury bond denominated in small amount in order for small investors (individual or corporate) to participate in investing in a government securities (GS), which is commonly participated only by big investors. EXPERTbond is denominated from a minimum of P 5,000 to maximum of P500,000. Your investment is evidenced by a Certificate of Outright Sale (COS), which is a marketable security, which means you can also sell this certificate to your friends who are interested in investing in EXPERTbond.
Investment Advantages:
High interest earnings - you?ll earn higher interest compared to other investment option
- Risk-free investment - you don?t have to worry about your investment because this is an obligation of the national government and not just by any institution or corporation
Liquidity is maintained - you can sell it to your friend or trade it at the PSE (soon to be available)
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Prime Short Term/Long Term CPs
Commercial Papers
These are actually certificates issued by big private corporations with maturities of up to 1 year for short term placement and up to 5 years for long term placements. These certificates are sold at a discount or discount-to-yield basis with coupon (or interest) payment of zero or floating coupon (monthly re-pricing), respectively.
Investment Advantage
- Assured interest when bought at a discount
- potentially higher interest
- earnings when bought at a discount-to-yield basis
Although, the credit risk of this investment is with recourse to the issuing company, we assure you that we only offer commercial papers issued by class A companies, so you don?t have to worry about your investment returns.
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